Tradition 9


"A.A., as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve."


By not being highly organized, 12 step groups keep the emphasis on true fellowship and the focus on their primary purpose that is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety


Remembering tradition 2 states "For our group purpose, there is but one ultimate authority a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience."


Our groups ought never be organized but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve they are our trusted servants


Who serve by election from our groups conscience past on to our General Service Representative to take to our district on down the line to the General Service Office


In 12 step rooms no one has authority the groups are a "fellowship of equals." Decisions are made by the group as a whole creating this atmosphere of "true fellowship" 12 step groups insure that even the newest members can quickly gain a feeling of "belonging."


The most important person that walks into a group of AA is the newcomer without them we will surely die as a whole if we try to organize them they will flee


After all their life is already unmanageable how can we show them how to become a recovering AA who will be responsible for reaching out to the still suffering alcoholic?


Steering Committees where old timers in the group who didn't have an on-the-surface commitment such as coffee maker, chairman, literature, secretary etc they were the voice that carried the message with experience strength and hope to help the group stay focused on the principles and traditions


They would share their knowledge at a meeting or sometimes one on one to let a person know why the traditions were so important and if not followed could harm or relapse a newcomer's sobriety.  Later on most steering committees were replace by group business meetings where the real group conscience took over


The years of experience in AA of those who keep coming back is where the value is of what works in AA and what does not all those years of seeing things proven over and over again If all the old timers have left and a group is in trouble GSO would send a GSR to help restructure the group


Today there are many groups where the long timers have left steering committees have been replaced by the groups conscience today some new members are taking commitments too soon Such as a person with under a year being a GSR and going back out because they got right into the politics of AA rather than personal recovery and had no foundation


Most people do not know that a GSR could come out and help restructure a group there aren't many who are willing to lead a tradition meeting and not many who want to attend I have my sobriety I did all the work already I did all my steps I only need 1 or 2 meetings a week "EXCUSES"


It took me 6 months to find my higher power thru a spiritual experience and finding my sobriety from this experience I know who the trusted servants were in the groups I attended and these are the ones who made me feel welcome and gave me hope to stay with the 12 steps


 When we start sharing we are all equal, nobody is an expert, and you feel that equal ness

I found who the GSR was who the secretary and treasurer were and soon became a GSR secretary and treasurer for my home group also I had the phone list of member willing to reach out to others my phone number was on that list


I never give out another persons phone number I always called them and gave the person looking for help their phone number to call them back Its a prime example of "Responsible to those we serve" just being able to put their names on a list for a newcomer!









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