I came into Alcoholics Anonymous because I was powerless over alcohol and I knew I couldn't live with my life completely unmanageable and I had no other place to go.


      I was given the Gift Of Desperation and introduced to a Group Of Drunks who seemed to have Good Orderly Direction I came too out of that drunken fog That’s when I found a power greater than myself I knew He could help me recover from this disease and restore me to sanity


      That’s when I came to believe that there was a God in my live and if only bye his grace   

I let him into my heart I could recover from the disease of Alcoholism so I turned my life and will over to His care, with complete abandon.


      Only by finding out what was right and wrong in my life, could I ever know peace and love, So a fearless inventory of my life was necessary to find out who I really was, I began to write everything down on paper, resentments, fears, sex, and other conducts. Separating what was done to me, from what I had done to others, the positive as well as the negative, trying to be honest about what I was doing, knowing I had to share this with someone else.


      God always knew who I was, but writing down my inventory, I wasn’t sure anymore, so I needed another human being to help me find out, this was a person that I had complete trust in, he showed me were my faults were, helped me to forgive others, as well as myself, guided me to the truth of my being, helping me to see, thru the eyes of others, with love and compassion for all in my past.


      Being shown the defects of my past thru the eyes for others, and especially after letting another human being into my life, I was entirely ready for God to remove all my character defects


      I humbly ask him to remove these character defects and short comings to help me recover from this disease of Alcohol-ism I Self Me


      Making my list and, refining my list, with the help of that other human being, taking another good look, at my part, in the hurt I caused, I proceeded to take a better look at my inventory, to see who I needed to make amends to.


      I then, with God’s help, and the help of my new friends, started to make direct amends to everyone,werever possible except when to do so would cause them or others harm. when making these amends I asked for forgiveness for the harms done.


      I continued to write a daily inventory, and when I was wrong promptly admitted it, asking for forgiveness when it hurt others or myself


      I ask for His guidance every morning to help me do His will for today, and to make me a better person, I listen to Him thru the people He has put into my life, to keep me humble before Him


      Having had a spiritual awaken as a direct result of living these Steps I try very hard to carry this message God can do for us what we could not do for ourselves and I try very hard to practice the principles of this GOD given fellowship in all my endeavors

      A.A.’s Twelve steps are a group of principles, spiritual in there nature, which, if practices as a way of life, can expel the obsession to drink and enable the sufferer to become happily and usefully whole.

      The basic principles of A.A., as they are known today, were borrowed mainly from the fields of religion and medicine, through some ideas upon which success finally depended were the results of noting the behaviors and needs of the Fellowship itself.

6-20-99                      written by LT                     design by LT