Well the very first thing I had to do
is find out what humility was before I could have any
I was told when I first came to halls
that I have to change things about my attitude and myself
As I listen to share after share I
began to see they where walking the walk they talked
They did have a sense of balance they
did not seem to have the anger and fear that I had
They were happy and contented with life
and they had been telling me the truth about AA
The steps do keep us sober by replace
the anger and fear and give us hope and love
With the sense of really belonging with
God and with the teaching of the 12 steps
I found the humility to ask Him to
remove the desire to drink help me see my character flaws
Also help with all my most glaring
shortcomings to help me change and make the amends
to the many people I hurt make amends
to all my creditors who I did not pay till sobriety
with humility I learned how to forgive
people and most of all I learned how to forgive myself
When I got my sponsor he told me to sit
and listen to the people who speak from their hearts
And to listen with my heart not my mind
to learn how to forgive and let go
of the past
I did have to lose the anger and hatred
my mind was still out trying to get me back out to drink
Anger was my biggest defect I need to
look at resentments long before the anger rises
Into rage and hatred and share my
feelings it’s was hard to tell when I was lying to myself
With my sponsors I started on my
journey with this humility I found by following the steps
God had put many wise people into my
path to help show me the way I must go
and when I honestly and humble asked
Him to removed the desire to drink
from me He did
Today God is in my heart I have
gratitude for all I have been given
I believe that anger has been put aside
Replaced with Love and respect for
others who still suffer from our disease
random acts of kindness Are the best
why to remove my anger
and doing this with humility is the
best way to go
God is watching over us all and He
likes when we do for others
God bless Lt30Al
Page written
and Designed by AL__LT 30