Thoughts on Step Nine
"Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except
when to do so would injure them or others."
responsible for the damage I did it was necessary to clear the wreckage of my
past so I could really let go of the past and move on to my new way of life
booze free Step nine was one of the most difficult to do fear of the unknown
was always there
one thing to make a list of the people I hurt as I did in Step eight that was
painful But to go to those people in person and actually admit what I did and
ask for forgiveness that just scared the hell out of me then to try to make it
right with my apology and asking for forgiveness
mind some of the restitution I need to make for stiffing some of my creditors
It was tempting to skimp on this step but I thought that with everyone of them
some of the people I harmed didn't I actually realize I had cause problems for
still needed to make those amends anything that bothered me was an amend to
make There were times I could not apologize because to do so would cause more
harm My sponsor was a big help he showed me the right way to go in these matters
of harms
direct amends could be a letter a phone call or going around to see them some
letters went out some phone calls were made some amends could not be made but
most of my amends were made at a personal level it was the best way for me
sponsor helped me to be honest as to who the amends would hurt its not about me
If I did not know how to reach some there was not much I could do but stay
willing for me it was important to get this done as soon as possible and doing
it right
had to get the bulk of my amends done as soon as possible with out hurting
anyone my Family my friends my co-workers creditors were the first and easiest
for me confronting and making amends for my mistakes freed me form that bondage
of myself
was with me every step of the way I thank Him and my sponsor for the strength
to take these action in steps four thru nine it really set me free to start
practicing all the steps in my daily life and to be free to try to give some of
this I have learned back to others
People I sponsor today I tell them not to
confess to the loved one about any affairs As that could really hurt loved ones
So the key there is willingness to make amends that means that if I could go
back and change what had happened I would I became willing
tell them not to put their jobs in danger by telling the boss they have been
stealing if you told a friend you had an affair with his wife that would drag
her into your guilt hurting her so in some cases just become willing why
confess to something that could get you put in jail
can do more good passing on the 12 steps than being stuck behind prison bars
Don’t let your amends be at the cost of other people's security dignity and
well being In short say your sorry or like me it was also to ask for
forgiveness and give forgiveness If you can
you cant go to someone just become willing to make the amends we are not
perfect just try to be as honest and as humble as you can be try a change of
attitude and a change of heart doing Gods will that is what it is about
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