God is going to take care of the rest
we learn how to Forgive others so we may move on
Forgiveness does not mean I accepted
unacceptable behavior towards me or others
Nor does it means I have to face to
face forgive them forgiveness but it does free me
From the bonds these people had on me
and it frees my mind of the anger and resentments
I had carried for so long God gave me
the power thru forgiveness to change my whole attitude
Around and that’s all I need in terms
of amends from people who did wrongs to me
All would like people to make amends to
us but reality is that some times they were so grave
That we need not see these people again
but I had to forgive them for me to move forwards
I made all of the amends I had to make
to all my family friends and many other People
Many places I once was not welcomed and
to creditors I made the big list in step eight
A list of all who I had harmed and
became willing to make direct amends to them all
Wherever possible I needed help with
this I could not just make amend to everyone on my list
The second Part of step nine the big
exception when to do so would injure them or others
That really stuck out in my mind did I
not want to make the amends or would it really hurt
Them if I Did was I being
self-gratifying or was I being humbly I just did not know for sure
I asked my sponsor to Guide me thru the
amends I needed to take and he helped show
Me the ones that were best left alone
today thank God for the wisdom he gave me
Working the steps thru the teachings of the 12 steps God
and the people in the fellowship
I have made the amends wherever
possible but even today amends do pop up
That has to be made as soon as they are
recognized and will not hurt another’s
Recovery is an on going process thanks
to God we are given the time to recover
Time to make things right in our lives
today God bless
Page written
and Designed by AL__LT 30