Anger is anger
self-righteous is just a loaded gun to your head there is NO! Justification
Anger is just
resentments and fear turned against myself and taken out on others around me
I was told when
I first came to halls that I have to change things about myself not others
I had tear down
the false ego to build up self-esteem I had to look at fear and let go of the
As I listen to
share after share I began to see people were walking the walk not just talking
the talk
They did have
balance in their lives and seemed grateful they did not have the anger and fear
They were happy
well-adjusted and content with life and they had been telling me the truth
The steps of
this program do keep us sober with less angry fear anxiety and hopelessness
I was told to
sit and listen to people who speak from their hearts and to listen with my
Learn how to
forgive and let go of the past forgive myself and let go of the anger and
Every time I went
into my mind alone I always got mugged
Yet I kept going back in
there over and over again
I fear going in
there alone my disease is still hanging out trying to get me back out to drink
Anger is not a
thing we can deal with very well its best left to the so-called normal people
I needed to
look at resentments long before the anger rises into rage and hatred
I started to
share my feelings with another person and we worked the steps together
Was truthful
because it was hard to tell when I was lying to myself with out his help
From all this I
started on my journey and I have followed the 12 steps into recovery
God had put a
many wise people into my path He removed the desire to drink from me
With God and my
gratitude for all I have been given I do believe that anger has been put aside
And for most of
the time it has been replaced with Love and respect for others in fellowship
May you find
your God now thanks for letting me share
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