Courage to change the thing I can was difficult
I did not have a clue as to what I could change
And needed the wisdom of a group of drunks
To show me how much I needed to change me
It takes a lot of courage to change but for me I had
no choice because
I couldn’t take any more of what my life was like
when I came in here
I got a quote a in my e-mail I don’t know who wrote
I wasted a lot of days with fear poor me and what ifs
Was told to keep it simple and think about what
needs changing in your life
They needed to change their attitudes
My creditors where all on my back and really ticking
me off
They didn't understand that I was trying to get
And had no time for their petty complaints
They would get their money sometime my landlord also
just did not understand
After all I was only 2 month behind in my rent
That was not that a big deal now was it
My sponsor did not think too much about what I
thought needed to be change
He said this is not about what other people did to
The courage you need is to change yourself and your
About people places and things because there is
nothing wrong with them
And if you do not open your mind to the fact that
you need to change
Everything about you and your attitude towards what
is going on in your life
Then believe me you will be drunk again
Start by asking God to show you what’s right and
what’s wrong in your life
Remember God answers thru people like the ones in
the fellowship
Sit and listen to how they change their thinking how
they took responsibility
For theirs lives making amends as they went thru
their past and had the courage
To change their attitudes towards all things in
their lives
This program saved me and gave me courage to slowly
start to change
It gave me a way to live in today it gave me courage
to look at what I could change
Someone is always there to help me get the courage
to ask for help
not easy to change things
But God will give us the courage if we ask
And we need the willingness to accept the changes