I came to Alcoholics Anonymous I was more willing to die, than to
live. You wonderful people looked happy and talked freely about
your disease. You talked about a God of your understanding, but I
didn't want to here about Him. You said that's okay because most
of us didn't want to believe when we got here, but we did keep
coming, then we came too from our drunken fog, finally we came to
believe. Well I didn't, for a minute believe you, I began to
wonder what did I get myself into this time, I knew even before I
read step one I couldn't drink in safety again, I also knew at
that point in my life there wasn't anything left to manage. No
one wanted me around or near them, nor did they really care what
happens to me, at this point my life as I new it was over.
two was a little harder to take until you said, why don't you use
the group as a power greater than yourself. After all a group is
certainly more powerful than just one desperate, lonely person
next you said to stay sober just don't drink, go to meetings, ask
for help, get a sponsor, bla-bla-bla.
came step three, the big whammy, that God thing, I had only heard
of that fearful condemning God of my past which I could never
have anything to do with.
to this point I liked what I was hearing and wanted to do what
you suggested, but doubt started to set in, I began to wonder
about the wisdom of the group, you see at this point in my
recovery I knew I needed more than the group to stay sober.
was a man in this fellowship I was getting to know, I could feel
His love at every meeting, I began to think about him all the
time. Even when I was alone I would think about him. I learned
this man could give me everything I needed to make my life happy,
whole and useful. Well I guess you know I wanted him to love me,
hold me, and comfort me, in my disparate time of need. This man
had the unconditional love you people kept talking about, I
finally got up the nerve to ask, if He would share his love and
understanding with me.
relationship with this man started about three months into my
recovery, when I was in emotional pain, He comforted me, when my
pain was to great to, bare He gave me love and understanding, He
could wipe away my tears, I knew this man would never stop loving
me even when I could not love myself, even when I felt so
undeserving and totally worthless, hating myself and every thing
I was, even when I wanted to die. This man gave me hope to trust
in someone, I needed His love and understanding. He showed me how
to love myself, He helped me to accept the things I needed to
change in my life and He showed me how I needed an attitude of
I guess I finally came to believe step three wasn't so bad after
all. the man I learned to love so much, was a power greater than
any I have ever known, this man was my Heavenly Father, yes the
very God you people kept telling me about, because of your help
and guidance I could now with total honesty and humility ask Him
to remove the disease, or demons, or what ever was causing my
pain and suffering, I asked please remove these things from my
life, I want to suffer no more, please remove this disease from
my mind, body, and soul, please give me your love, help, and
absolute unconditional love and forgiveness He gave me, has lead
me thru the torment of my past, comforting me when it was to
great to bare, I felt His presents when He came and picked me up,
and cradled me in His arms until I felt total peace and serenity,
His love put me into a very deep sleep, for over thirty six
hours, I awoke to the same peace and serenity, with a calmness
about me that was overwhelming, a feeling I have never in my life
experienced before, His love flowed like a river into me, I
believe I was given a new life the little boy with-in me became a
man that day.
know God's unconditional love, will flow thru me, into the lives
of those he puts into the path of my life, so I may carry the
message of recovery. Today I can get down on my knees in the
morning and ask Him to help me become a channel for love, peace,
and forgiveness, to always keep me humble before Him always
remembering I'm seeking His Kingdom, Power, and glory for myself
and all the people He has put into my path.
ask His help in guiding these, people to walk thru there pain and
suffering with Him at their side, every night I can honestly
thank Him for what He has given me, for what He has taken away,
and for what He has left me.
by given unconditional love and acceptance to those He guides to
our doors, can we be of any help, we must be there with our hands
out to welcome them, I know each of us has a choice every day as
to how we will walk, that choice dictates the life style we'll
live that day. Each time a person chooses to walk back into the
darkness of their past, alone in the clutches of there disease,
they will feel more pain and despair, but if they have been
around our fellowship, and felt the power of our love they will
return, hopefully with more honesty and despair than ever before
with a willingness to surrender and accept their disease.
will need our unconditional love and our acceptance of them
again. We must be there to give them our support, to welcome them
home. We must show them we will not criticize, judge, or condemn
them, but that we need them, we must love and care about them
until they can learn how to love and care about themselves and
seek Gods help with more honesty and willingness than ever
remember unconditional love and acceptance is the secret of God's
gift of life to us all. He gave us love thru all those who came
before us, we must give His love to those who still suffer from
our disease. When they walk thru our doors, always remember
someone was there for us.
" For that we are
" May God bless You ,
as He has me"

written by LT design by LT 11-15-97