in my twenty fifth year of recovery I had to become as desperate
as a dying person could be in order to accept and surrender to my
disease, my attitude, and my concept of life as I knew it. Trying
to build greater self-confidence and self-esteem, in recovery, I
have been given the confidence, trust and unconditional love,
that has helped me thru my pain, fear, anger, loneliness,
hopelessness, and confusion of the past, apprehension of the
holidays, and other special events, times of distress or
agitation, turmoil, and physical craving to the allergy of
alcohol. I have learned to accept God's love and hope for a
prosperous future, to follow the A.A. principles, and traditions,
and to practice consistency in my actions making me, honest,
trustworthy, and responsible today.
the Co-founders Pamphlet Dr. Bob didn't think we could do
anything well unless we practice it, including A.A. He said to do
a good job in A.A. We should practice, acquiring the spirit of
service. We should attempt to acquire some faith, which isn't
easily done, But he thought faith could be acquired; it can be
acquired slowly; it has to be cultivated. this is not easy.
That's one reason why to some people our spiritual teaching is
difficult. They don't want to find out to much about it, for
various personal reasons. Another thing that is difficult is
tolerance. We are all inclined to have closed minds, pretty
tightly closed. But it's quite important that we do acquire
tolerance towards the other fellow's ideas. also we need a lot of
only thru God's grace, and a lot of leg work, that we get sober,
we should be very grateful that we have been given the privileged
to stay sober. our strength and hope comes from Him, We all
should have a very humble attitude for what He has given us we
should never cease to be grateful for whatever blessings come our
it comes to living life on life's terms it doesn't make any
difference whether we're drunk or whether we're sober. either
way, we're all after the same things in life, love, happiness,
security, peace of mind. The trouble was that as addicts we
demanded more and more than we deserved. If we had taking time
for God's way, we would have been given peace and happiness, that
we could enjoy, anyone can get peace, happiness, and forgiveness,
if they just trust in Him, this is the message of hope we can
give to all who seek our help.
guess in 63 year's, we in A.A. haven't learned to much about
humility, or tolerance, and especially about fear, primarily fear
of changing what is considered different from the standards we
hold dear to us, even if we could possibly be wrong, we must take
a good look at these fears.
must change with the tide, and show the newcomers of today, their
experiences must be shared in their own way. Dual addiction has
always been with us and dual addiction is here to stay, we in the
fellowship of A.A. must give these people the same kind of
unconditional love, forgiveness, understanding and most
importantly tolerance, the same things we received, when we
arrived at the doors of this God given fellowship.
is an absolute, growth is optional, but we must continue to grow
or we will all parish, in a sea of drug addiction, Yes !
Addiction from the drug alcohol, as well as street drugs, or
prescription drugs, we can not hide behind a screen and only look
at part of the problem of today's world, after all we are not
purist ! Are we?
you don't like what is being said at the podium, take your
comments to your business meeting for a group conscience
discussion, make a group statement reflecting the groups opinion,
not your own.
tell someone, especially a newcomer, in an open forum like on the
floor of a speaker meeting, or in an open discussion meeting,
they don't belong can only add to their bewilderment frustration
and self-esteem. To me as a member of A.A. for the past twenty
four years, it is embarrassing and humiliating to have someone
being ostracized because they are a little different than me.
I hear these comments at meetings "you don't belong here
" or "I don't want to here about your drug addiction,
find another program for that problem" or "were here to
talk about alcohol not drugs" I can't even imagine how
hopeless and despairing this could be if I was that person,
suffering from the dual addiction of alcohol and drugs, thinking
I was to be cast out, before I could even get to know who or what
I was.
one states "this we owe to Alcoholic Anonymous' future: To
place our common welfare first; To keep our fellowship united,.
for upon A.A. unity depend our lives, and the lives of all those
who will come after us".
two states "The "ultimate authority" is the
spiritual concept of the "group conscience" It;s voice
is heard when a well-informed group gathers to arrive at a group
decision. Minority ideas should get thoughtful attention.
Remember, the first and second tradition go along with the group
conscience. The presence we newcomers felt in those rooms, was
the same as the group conscience, and it was real when they
welcomed us in, setting absolutely no barriers, rules or
conditions...." this should hold true today, let's let
everyone know it does.
three shows us that we've thrown away all membership rules and
regulations, that might keep you out. We want you to have the
same chance for sobriety, that we had. "We aren't a bit
afraid they'll harm us, never mind how twisted or violent they my
be" we have decided to be " inclusive....never
exclusive" In conclusion, I want to say that throughout
A.A.'s history, most of our special purpose groups have
accomplished very wonderful things There is great reason to
believe that those A.A.'s who are now working in the grim regions
of narcotics addiction will achieve equal success In A.A. ,, the
group has strict limitations, (tradition three, what limitations
? we have no membership rules ) but the individual has scarcely
any.'' (tradition three again non conformity to anything).
four absolutes, as we called them, were the only yardsticks we
had in the early days, before the steps. I think the absolutes
still hold good and can be extremely helpful. I have found at
times that a question arises, and I want to do the right thing,
but the answer is not obvious. Almost always if I measure my
decision carefully by the yardstick of absolute honesty, absolute
unselfishness, absolute purity, and absolute love, and it checks
up pretty well with those four, then my answer can't be very far
out of the way. If, however, I do that and I'm still not to
satisfied with the answer, I usually consult with some friend
whose judgment, in this particular case, would be very much
better than mine. But usually the absolutes can help you to reach
your own personal decision
12-01-97 written by
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