thought age had a very important effect on the fellowship of Alcoholics
Anonymous because most of the old-timers, those who joined the fellowship in
the Fifties, and Sixties, were indeed more two-fisted type drinkers than the majority of
those who joined in the seventy’s
or eighty’s. These old-timers were the back bone of
the fellowship, and would be glad to tell the new-comers, what they could or
could not do, after all that was the way they learned to stay dry,
unfortunately very little attention was paid to the Twelve traditions as they
were adopted in the July, 1950, Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous, At the
convention it was widely appreciated, for the first time, that nobody had
invented Alcoholics Anonymous, that many streams of influence, and many people,
some of them non alcoholic’s, had helped, by the grace of God, to achieve
A.A.’s purpose.
should welcome any newcomers, assure them that their experiences, are a vital
link, to the continuing sobriety of everyone in this fellowship. It is
important to remember that what is heard at meetings, is only the individuals
opinion, no one at meetings can speak on behalf of the entire world wide
fellowship, of Alcoholics Anonymous, or indeed any of its groups.
know when I came to the program people accepted me for who I was, and told me,
if I wanted what they have, all I needed to do is to stop drinking one day at a
time, they suggested, that I keep coming to meeting, ask for help, get a
sponsor, and get active. I was encouraged to tell my experiences, at the
podium, what happened to me, before I got here, its only by remembering what
happened, to me, was important for my recovery, and if I help someone else that
was a bonus.

I am responsible... When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help,
I want the hand of A.A. always to be there. And for that: I am responsible
By following the examples of
unconditional love, tolerance, and acceptance, I have continued to stay sober,
and to help a lot of other alcoholics to stay sober, with God’s grace.
when I hear someone at the podium, sharing there experiences, and I can’t
identify with their stories, I have to remember, not all the people who
listened to me, could identify, and that was all right then, and it should be
all right today, after all
A.A. can’t be all about just ME. Can it?
guess age is not such an important factor, as we first thought, the problem
seem to be in whether we are Elder Statesmen, or we are again littering the landscape with bleeding deacons, the only thing we need to remember, is
when we came to this fellowship, we also, were considered different from the
ones who were already here, we were accepted, for who we were, so who are we
not to accept the newcomers of today? God’s grace allowed us to find the way
out, why not let, His grace, help them find their way out.
newcomer need to share his experience, exactly how it happened to him, so he
will have the prospective to help build character and spiritual values, Some
people have been conditioned to believe the horrors of life, instead of the
wonders of life, they have been given a despicable value system, in early
childhood, and are now being ostracized, because they have tried, on their own
to change their lives in the past, and have failed.
tell someone, especially a newcomer they don't belong, can only add to their
bewilderment, frustration, and self-esteem. To me as a member of A.A. it is
embarrassing, and humiliating, to have someone being ostracized, because they
are a little different than me. If the Bleeding Deacons are afraid, the
newcomers, will ruin the A.A. program, then they have not learned much about
the history of A.A., and its growth in the past 63 yr., as long as God’s grace
is here, this fellowship, and the twelve steps of recovery, will be here, for
all to share, in their own way.
you want to know why your group is becoming stagnant, just check the way your
group treats the newcomers, stop fighting each other, accepting change is the
very principle we use to stay sober. It's time we all unite, so we can all
recover and help those who come after us. If you don't like what is being said
at the podium, take your comments to your business meeting, for a group
conscience discussion, make a group statement, reflecting the groups opinion,
not your own.
determines whether or not newcomers qualify, whether they do want to stop
drinking? Obviously, nobody except the newcomers themselves, everybody else
simply has to take his word for it, in fact, they don't even have to say it
aloud, we are alive because the road to A.A. stayed open to us. How will the
newcomers ever know? If they can't share their stories at meetings, like we
were able to share, all our related experiences. To hear is to identify, let's
give every alcoholic the same chance we were given, to tell their experience,
and not ostracize them because their a little different.
of us know, real tolerance, of other people's shortcomings and viewpoints and
having respect for their opinions, are attitudes which make us more useful to
others, Our very lives, as recovering alcoholics, depend upon our constant
thought of others, and how we may help meet their needs, helping others is the
foundation stone of our recovery, a kindly act once in a while isn't enough, we
have to act the Good Samaritan every day, or perish in the sea of despair.
7-20-98 written by
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