Resentments are always sitting there on my shoulder waiting to pounce on me if I keep them. Forgiveness is an act from my heart to help me heal all my pain and hurt feelings, when I forgive I refuse to be damaged by the wrong doings of others in my life.
To not forgive is resentment
and I am the victim of this because the victim is always the one who carries
the resentment, the ones who I resent usually doesn't know and doesn't care
about my feelings unless I tell then in a fit of rage.
To hang on to my resentment
is to poison my heart and turn me bitter towards everyone, this poison can
steal all the joy out of my life I could have if only I practice forgiveness.
Because of resentments in my
life I victimized myself while others went their merry way. Takes time to learn
how to forgive others when the anger, fear, and hurt is so bad, but forgiveness
is what I needed to move on with my life to let go of my pain.
Resentments always take away
from me they never give me peace or contentment, they keep me in a past that
can never be changed, repaired, or re-lived. They will keep me in my mind to be
mugged every time I go there alone.
Resentment will always keep
me from appreciating the beauty of my life, they stop me from hearing the
loving voices of my new friends and family, my freedom came when I decide to forgive
others, as well as myself, for mistakes real or imagined that were done to me.
To start trusting in God's
will for me today and try to carry this out, I had to make a decision to learn
how to forgive, with practice this came to be second nature to me, it was a
choice not to resent others, This freed my mind and heart for the real work God
knew I could and would do.
My life can still go
unfulfilled if I let resentments consume my emotions, I have a program of
recovery that helped me develop a forgiving heart, to find the peace and joy
that are part of God's will for me.
When I came to understand
that a forgiving heart is a peaceful heart, and I always have the choice to be
closed minded about everything that comes up, or I can choose to be honest kind
loving and live with some serenity, knowing I also could be wrong, Peace and
serenity is my goal, free from all resentments for this day
To not forgive whatever the offense is will put a dark shade on God's light, when I harbor ill feelings toward others, I become stuck in the darkness, I get feelings that won't let me experience growth peace and wellbeing.
Today I express my love
through forgiveness, I feel God's love in return, the people I have turn away from
because their behavior has offended me, have taught me lessons that are
important in my own recovery, not to be like them and their ways of expressing
Their efforts to get
attention are usually a cry for love and acceptance, their fears keep them at a
distance to the real help they are seeking, this has given me an opportunity to
learn tolerance, patience, and forgiveness. Until I could learn love and have
acceptance for everyone in my life, I wasn't able to freely love and accept
anyone else in my life, Forgiveness of others and myself is a gift to me from
God, what I do with it is my gift back to God.