I know only one defense against the disease of alcoholism, if I
expect to recover I must be willing to trust in God, and clean my
own house. Anger is what kept me from the help I needed, with
anger, I could hide the fear of letting anyone ever hurting me
again, I needed to lift the mask of anger so I could start to
work on my fear, I wouldn't let anyone close to me, I feared, if
I did they would know how much I was hurting, it was easy to tell
everyone I was all right, that I didn't need any help, I didn't
need them in my life, I could never let anyone see me cry, I
would smile on the outside, while I was crying on the inside, no
way would I let anyone know the truth about the fearful child
with-in me.
He was a master at hiding who and what I really was, he showed me
how to lie, and be deceitful, when I lied, I had to live in those
lies, I lied to protect myself from harm, I started to believe
those lies, so now I had to live in more lies, never to find real
friends, or to know what real love was, until I discovered the
God, of my understanding, unconditionally loving, and all
forgiven, even knowing what I was, how Deceitful I was, He still
loved me.
He knew what I was going to do even before I did, He will always
let me feel the pain and loneliness, when ever I chose to walk
away from Him, but when ever I start walking toward His light, I
can again turn my life and will over to His care, He will again
relieve me of the pain, all I need is to seek His love and
forgiveness, He will help me work for my recovery, He will help
me discard all my old ways of living, all I need to do is accept
His gift of desperation, that freedom from bondage from my own
little hell.
I must let go of my anger, fear, and deceit, let go of
self-centeredness of my selfish ways, only in this way can I ever
become humble and pass His gift on to those who still suffer from
my disease, He forgave me I must not, judge, or condemn others, I
must share, His unconditional love, with them until they find the
strength to accept His love and forgiveness for themselves. I can
share my torment and suffering with others so they don't need to
go as far down the road that I chose to go down, they don't need
to walk away from Him as I did, I can show them the road to
recovery, where they will find His love and protection.
We can lead them to a happiness, that is real, all they need to
do is let go, trust in the people, their Higher Power put into
their lives. We can examples of what life really is all about,
honesty, humility, unselfishness, with unconditional love for
everyone who follows our path, out of their hell, up the twelve
steps of recovery, to true freedom and happiness, with real peace
of mind.
I could never do this alone, with my sick mind and my own sick
thinking. You people, gave me real everlasting friends, to help
me see what I could not see for myself, to guide me to peace and
hope, I always need to be humble, because only humility will keep
my character defects from overwhelming me again. I must always
remember I can only guide those He brings into my life, to find
their way to Him, so they my share their experience, strength,
and hope with those who come after them.
I have found God is true unconditional love and forgiveness, He
will provide everything I need to live a life of peace, freedom,
and happiness, to share and give His love is all I need to insure
my own serenity in the spirit of fellowship in harmony with the
God of my understand.
love prevails over everything. Give it freely and
12-18-97 written by
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