When a situation is difficult or doesn't merit our approval, we
must not throw in the towel, our own guilt trips were so
overpowering that little blame was passed on to others, even
those who were guilty of committing heinous offenses against us.
We were trained to accept their guilt and shame, to keep their
secrets, deep with-in we were to terrified to assert ourselves,
we feared our family and friends, who had complete control over
us. they wouldn't let us assert ourselves, or express ourselves,
their manipulation of our every action gave them the power, to do
anything they wanted to do to us, we submitted to every action
they would take, our fear was to strong to resist, nothing could
interfere with what they wanted .
We allowed them to lead us into pitiful demoralization and
humiliation of ourselves, pride, ego, self-justification, and
hidden hatred, including self-hatred, were woven into the fabric
of our lives, these defects allowed us to judge everyone, gave us
the right to criticize and condemn anyone we wanted to, we became
self-centered to the max., as long as our secrets were left
We needed these defects to survive, we allowed people to inflect
grave emotional harm upon us. We allowed emotional conflicts to
persist below the level of consciousness, which gave our emotions
violent twists, discolored our personalities, and has altered our
lives for the worst. Our basic flaws are responsible for the
whole pattern of our lives. If we don't work thru our past, face
the fears of our secrets, we shall never be free to have a
meaningful relationship with anyone.
When we are conscious of our relationships with others, we can
see how we behave with ourselves and those around us, we are
encouraged to keep focus on ourselves, we can see how fear and
delusional thinking made it impossible to have any kind of sane
relationship or true partnership with anyone, self examination
can form an unshakable foundation for a new life.
We are now standing in the doorway of step three, on the wall,
just inside this door is an inscription it reads " this is
the way to a faith that works" Trusting in God, as we
understand Him, we can walk thru this door and accept His grace,
always remembering life is change, growth is optional, we can now
start to work on step four, with a willingness to be honest with
ourselves, always remembering love begins with ourselves.
We can't criticize, judge, or condemn ourselves for the way we
were taught to live, we were given our family's disease, it's
only natural for us to accept their guilt, shame, and remorse. We
must let go of the terrified feelings, we have when we look into
our childhood, fear was the best weapon people had to control us,
it was like a vice they could tighten around us, anytime we tried
to rebel.
We need to trust in God's love, to help us thru our past, so we
can let go of all the secrets we have let plaque us most of our
lives. We are not responsible for the disease of others in our
family, or others in our lives.
We need to write our feelings down, about how much we let people
hurt us, write letters to people in our lives, telling them how
we feel about them, the way they treated us, and the way we
treated them.
These letters are only to be shared with our sponsor's so they
can help us see what is happening with our negative way of
thinking, and show us who and what we really are, then we can
start healing the tragic pains of our lives, we don't need to
fear the real truth, we no longer need to hide, from the child
with-in, we know he needs nourishment to grow, we need to take
the time to know ourselves, and our loved ones, fear, anger,
misunderstanding, or denial show us our boundaries as
individuals, we don't have to fear or hide any feelings anymore,
we can stop running, we must stand and fearlessly deal with
what's really happening.
When we are being asked to accept unacceptable behavior, it
pushes the buttons from a childhood, where most of the adults
were in denial of their disease, they were very abusive to us,
and everyone around them, our acceptance of that abuse is what
keeps us in our disease, If we are going to have the best
possible relationship with others, it has to be formed on a basis
of true honesty, self-honesty first and foremost, if we are to
form a true partnership with anyone.
We never had the courage to express our feeling, about how the
people we loved were behaving, or misbehaving, we never shared
our feelings, of resentment, hurt feeling, or anything else, we
always stuffed these feelings, we must share things if we ever
want an honest open partnership, with others in our lives, if we
don't we could be caught in our disease again.
The ability to stand still, and stay, even when things seem
unstable, when we are being harmed, in real or imagined ways,
these times are difficult, but every troubled day is an
opportunity to get to know ourselves a little better, it's an
invitation to face the truth about ourselves, and the world
around us, if we are going to live in that world, all we need to
do is accept this new way of living, have the willingness to
accept, who we truly are, accepting God, as we understand Him,
staying completely open minded to make changes in ourselves.
Here is were we will find the key to freedom and happiness,
acceptance is truly the answer to all our problems, accepting
only our part in how we behaved, not the part of others who were
in our lives. We learned, unfortunately, how not to live from
some of them, our desires can never take the place of given love
to others, for it's by loving, that we receive love. The child
with-in must stop seeking love and protection, from other people,
who enable him, that child needs to grow up, and give us the
strength, to walk thru the torment and horror of our past. We can
walk thru with God at our sides, He is the only one who can give
us the love and protection, that child is seeking.
God will never let us walk alone, we must clean-up our past, so
we can live in the present, our new relationships must be honest
and open, we must share our lives with those we love. A life of
sharing is far better than controlling or letting anyone control
us. True love is caring and sharing openly everything in the
present, our past need not be carried into our new life, except
when it will benefit us, or help someone else, without harming
anyone, we must remember our past so we will never repeat it.
We must dispel fear, as a part of our lives, we must overcome
fear, specifically fear of change, in order to live in God's
world, we must face real dangers, not imaginary ones, we can't
let fear, rule and ruin our lives again, we must be honest and
open in all our affairs, sharing in harmony with each other, and
always making amends whenever needed. If we remember to always
keep focus on ourselves and our recovery, when the going is
over-whelming, and we fell less than, not deserving of, when
times are at there darkest, we must believe God is carrying us,
when, we are climbing the mountains of our lives, we should stop
when the going is overwhelming, turn around for a moment, see
where we have been, see how much we have accomplished, how far we
have come, see how many times God encouraged us, helped us, or
carried us. His unconditional love and our acceptance of His
love, is what keeps us focused on our recovery.
May God smile upon you as
he has on me!
A-12-6-97 written by
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