Well like anyone else who
comes into to the halls I had a whole lot of amends to make
To family friends and
many other people many places I was no longer welcome
Amends to the many
creditors that never got paid because I drank up their payments
This list could go on
forever but that’s what I did in steps four and eight
Made the big list of all
who I had harmed and became willing to make the amends
Well that was not as easy
as it sounded after I read step nine making direct amends
To such people wherever
possible I needed help with this I could not just make amend
To everyone on my list
the second part of step nine accept when to do so
Would injure them or
others that really stuck out in my mind
I did not know if I not
want to make the amends or would it really hurt them if I did
Was I being
self-gratifying or was I being humbly
I just did not know for
sure so I asked my sponsor to guide me thru the amends
He helped me with the
ones that were best left alone so I did not hurt anyone
Today thank God for my
sponsor and the wisdom he gave my thru working the steps
Thru the teachings of the
12 steps and the help of God and the people in the fellowship
I have been taught that
if I want the respect of others and have respect for myself
I would have to become
If I want to be able to
be trusted I have to become trustworthy
If I want to have dignity
I must become honorable trustworthy and respectable
In my affairs with others
for me this did not happen overnight it takes that TIME
I have a deep respect for
who I have become with the help of many people with in AA
Today I do have
self-respect and the respect of my family friends and my home group
Respect from almost
everyone who I met on this journey to maintain my sobriety
Today I try to give back
what God has chosen to give me thru 12 steps of recovery
To a fantastic new way of
Life Today TIME= Things I May Enjoy
God bless all
Page written
and Designed by AL__LT 30