When I am bombarded with of
out of control emotions action is almost impossible
When fear was in control of
my emotions I wanted to run back to the bottle
One of my best hiding
places was in the bottle I did not feel my own thoughts
By taken action I walked
thru my fears and emotions I did not have to do this alone
Today emotions do not
intimidated me I know positive action will see me through
What others people thing of
me is none of my business what God knows of me is
Reputations are what people
think of us Character is what God knows of us
Others who had there own
way of thinking mistook Many times my words
That’s OK I can only carry
the message as it was given to me threw the 12 steps
Because of these 12 steps I
made a commitment to myself to take positive action
Actions speak a lot louder
than any words we could ever speak I try to walk the walk
If I want people to believe
me I must follow up on what I say because this is action
It is amazing how quickly
we can gain credibility when we walk the walk with actions
Today I try not saying
anything that I can't back up with my actions
But I am human and fall
short at times I have held back
When God offered the
opportunity carry the message
I may hold back because of
fear that I can't help
Forgetting that any action
is its own reward
That is what makes AA so
special to people who are completely devoted to recovery
We know that anything done
for AA makes the whole world a better place to live in
Take the action to become a
useful member of the society you now live in
God bless you all
All E-mail Addresses are held in Strict Confidence