Fear is what kept me from
picking up another drink in the beginning of recovery
I don't believe fear is a
lack of faith some fears are very healthy and should be felt
Faith is the tool we pick up
in order to recognize the fear and walk on thru it
My fears of failure has been
taken away when I turned everything over to God
Fears are just other feeling
I have learned how to deal with working the steps
Acceptance tells me how to
change my behaviors and attitudes about things
And I feel I have failed
myself or someone else close to me
But I do not have to dwell
in fears and if it is something I can't change
Then I ask for the serenity
to accept what God has given me today
After all He still has the
big picture of what my life is all about not me
We all have tragic things
happening in our lives at times
We have the right to feel
the sadness but we also need to move on with our lives
Walking thru the fears
without picking up that drink or substitute again
AA did not promise me a
perfect world but it did give me a chest full of tools
To deal with anything that
may come my way living life on life’s terms
What I want in life would be
a perfect world where there is no pain or suffering
But I am human and know that
others will always be doing things
That do not fit into my
plans Fear can stop me in my tracks
If I continue with the
kicking and screaming I need to accept
The things I can't change
today with the serenity God has bless me with
God has given me choices
today I choose to do His will
And not let fear cause me to
fail in anything I try
I was told early on in the
program you can never fail in life till you stop trying
So I just keep my faith in
God and do the next right thing when times are hard
God has not given me more
than I can handle so today I have succeeded
Because I did not fine it
necessary to pick up a drink
Today and I still have my
life free from the active disease of alcoholism
Thanks for being here for me
God bless you all
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